
Can Massage Help to Boost Your Immune System?

Nobody can dispute the therapeutic healing benefits of massage. Enhancing our immunity and reducing stress, anxiety, sadness, and discomfort. All of which have an impact on both our physical and emotional health. 

Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles reported that people who underwent a 45-minute massage increased lymphocytes, which are white blood cells important in the body’s defense against illness. Let’s explore some effects a massage may have on your immune system.

How can massage help boost the immune system?

Receiving a body massage makes it possible for you to unwind and it fortifies your immune system. There is more going on than what first appears as you lie on a comfortable table and have a trained massage therapist work on your body.

We believe it is essential to inform you about the advantages of massage for your health. This information is derived from our own experiences and previous clients’ recommendations. After reading this article, we hope you will consider using massage treatment to strengthen your immune system and advance your general wellness.

Improves disease-fighting ability

Additionally, according to clinical studies, regular massage improves the immune system’s capacity to attack specific cells while reducing the amount of T cells in the body, which helps the immune system.

In one trial, five 45-minute massages in Tucson were given to 20 HIV-positive males weekly for a month. The subjects demonstrated an increase in serotonin and the immune system’s first line of defense against illness and infection, the cells.

Improved blood circulation

Most often, postural stress—which you develop by sitting or resting in an unpleasant position—is to blame for neck and shoulder pain. Including massage therapy in your regimen helps your body’s blood circulate properly. A massage energizes the body and encourages circulation, nourishing the immune system, improving digestion, and warding off various illnesses.

Soothes Muscle tension

Muscle tension can be the culmination of an increase in stress levels. They can be effectively treated with a massage. A trained and licensed massage therapist can assist in reducing stress levels, enhancing muscular health, and strengthening the immune system. It returns the muscle to its original condition, making it more flexible and supple.

Massage benefits for pregnant women

Massage dramatically lowers stress hormone cortisol levels in pregnant ladies while improving other immunological indicators. Prenatal Massage Tucson aids in reducing fluids that lead to swollen joints by stimulating the body’s soft tissues. By removing tissue waste, this technique lessens joint and muscle discomfort.

Researchers claim that this study provides proof that aromatherapy massage may dramatically reduce stress and improve immunological function in expectant mothers.


Massage therapy is an excellent option as a supplemental therapy to traditional medical care. Keep in mind to get massages frequently while you’re feeling well. You may look and feel your best by combining massage with other complementary and conventional therapies. You perform at the top of your game and are more effective at work, play, sports, and generally when you look and feel your best.